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Starcloudsea D&B

Starcloudsea's dysfunctional website

The blog and documentation of the Nebula Sea Monster, who wants to do everything but "doesn't know anything" about editing videos and writing code (but will climb up to your window at night ψ(`∇´)ψ)

Main HomeImage


This site uses a lot of high-resolution images, and if you are using mobile data or other pay-per-traffic services that are more expensive, then I don't recommend browsing this site with the images loaded by default, as doing so may consume a lot of your bandwidth.


Since Starcloudsea's English is very poor, the vast majority of the site has been translated by DeepL, so if you think there's a mistake in some parts of the translation, please leave a comment here or mention an issue on GitHub! awa

English pages are missing a lot of content compared to Chinese pages.

The site uses the Apache 2.0 open source protocol and is deployed on GitHub Pages. (Please give me a Star QAQ)
All content created and published by Starcloudsea on this site is shared under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license for non-commercial content and the CC BY-SA 4.0 license for commercial content, where not otherwise indicated.